
15 years of Backup4all

The first official version of Backup4all was released exactly 15 years ago, in 2002. Even now, 15 years later, we consider it to look very good with a focus on simplicity that we propagated throughout all these years.

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Backup4all Version 4.x

The final version of Backup4all 4 was released. This is a major version release and contains a lot of new features and improvements. It is a free upgrade for existing users.

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10 years of Backup4all

The first official version of Backup4all was released exactly 10 years ago, in 2002. Backup4all is now at version 4.7 and has over 500,000 users.

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Backup4all is fully compatible with Windows 8

Windows 8 has recently entered the release-to-manufacturing stage and will be generally available on October 26, 2012. We have tested Backup4all before on Windows 8 too (on all 3 previews they had so far, Developer, Consumer and Release) and we kept pace with the changes they did so far by ensuring that Backup4all remains compatible […]

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The last two issues of PC Utilities

PC Utilities was a monthly IT magazine published in the UK by Magnesium Media. Their first issue was published in 2000 and became one of the most popular guides for freeware and shareware Windows software. Unfortunately on July 22, 2012, the magazine was discontinued after 12 years and 154 issues published. We received issues 153 […]

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Backup4all featured on PC Revue

As our client you know that Backup4all is an excellent program. We know it too and find it particularly satisfying when we get some recognition, from laudatory client emails to online mentions or magazine listings. Recently Backup4all was included in PC Revue (July 2012 issue), a leading Slovak IT magazine and they were kind enough […]

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Giveaway: Free Backup4all Lite licenses

As a Thank You for reading our newly launched blog we want to give you a free license for Backup4all Lite. This sums up pretty much what this blog post is about, because starting today we are organizing a giveaway where anyone can get a free license of Backup4all Lite. There’s no catch, you will […]

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Backup4all Version 3.x

Backup4all 3.0 was released. This is a major version release and contains a lot of new features and improvements. It includes options to backup open files, backup to FTP, email notifications, AES encryption and other improvements.

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5 years of Backup4all

The first official version of Backup4all was released exactly 5 years ago, in 2002. Backup4all is now at version 3.1 and has over 250,000 users. We still focus on trying to keep it simple, while also relying on client feedback to add new features.

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Backup4all Version 2.x

Backup4all 2.0 was released. This is a major version release and contains a lot of new features and improvements. It includes 3 new backup types (incremental, differential, mirror) and other important improvements.

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