End of support/maintenance for old versions
End of maintenance for Backup4all version 8.x (May 1st, 2024)
Starting with May 1st, 2024, Backup4all version 8.x is no longer maintained. This means that we stopped fixing bugs for version 8.x, however we still offer support. If you are still using version 8.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates.
If you own a previous version and want to test the latest Backup4all version, you can install a 30 day free trial here: Download Backup4all.
When you’re ready to make the switch, just import the backup jobs from the older version and purchase an upgrade. Prices for upgrades vary depending on what license you currently own, but you can quickly check the pricing by entering your key here: Upgrade Backup4all
End of support for Backup4all version 7.x (September 30th, 2023)
Starting with September 30th, 2023, Backup4all version 7.x is no longer supported. If you are still using version 7.x (or previous) we highly recommend upgrading to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates and email support. These old versions (7.x and previous) have not been tested with newer versions of Windows, so we cannot guarantee that they function correctly that’s why we highly recommend the upgrade.
hubiC is discontinued (October 18th, 2022)
hubiC is (actually was) a cloud storage solution released in 2011 by OVH, a popular European storage provider. At its height, their Public Cloud Storage solution hosted over 100 PB of data, the equivalent of 25 billion MP3s or 300 million hours of video.
We added hubiC as a cloud destination for backups in Backup4all 7.0.174, on 12-Oct-2017, due to requests from our users. Unfortunately, hubiC was discontinued. For a while they allowed existing accounts to log-in and their API was still available, but recently they’ve discontinued access to their API. Backup4all needs API access to communicate with hubiC, and since that was terminated we are forced to remove hubiC as a cloud backup destination.

If you are using Backup4all 7, 8 or 9 you will notice in the next update that hubiC will be removed from the list of available destinations. Don’t worry though, we still have support for 45 other cloud backup destinations, so if you were using hubiC it’s easy to find an alternative (i.e. Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive). You can see here a full list of Backup4all destinations.
End of maintenance for Backup4all version 7.x and end of development for version 8.x (April 29th, 2021)
Starting with April 29, 2021, Backup4all version 7.x is no longer maintained. This means that we stopped fixing bugs for version 7.x, however we still offer support. If you are still using version 7.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates.
Furthermore, development stopped for Backup4all 8.x. This means that we stop adding new features and languages in version 8.x, but we still fix bugs and offer support for version it.
End of support for Backup4all version 6.x (April 29th, 2021)
Starting with April 29th, 2021, Backup4all version 6.x is no longer supported. If you are still using version 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x or 6.x we highly recommend upgrading to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates and email support. These versions have not been tested with newer versions of Windows, so we cannot guarantee that they function correctly that’s why we highly recommend the upgrade.
End of maintenance for Backup4all version 6.x and end of development for version 7.x (April 8th, 2019)
Starting with April 8, 2019, Backup4all version 6.x is no longer maintained. This means that we stopped fixing bugs for version 6.x, however we still offer support. If you are still using version 6.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates.
Furthermore, development stopped for Backup4all 7.x. This means that we stop adding new features and languages in version 7.x, but we still fix bugs and offer support for version it.
End of support for Backup4all version 5.x (April 8th, 2019)
Starting with April 8th, 2019, Backup4all version 5.x is no longer supported. If you are still using version 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x or 5.x we highly recommend upgrading to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates and email support.
Furthermore, Backup4all 5.x and previous versions were not tested with Windows 10 and might not be compatible. If you plan to use Windows 10 you must upgrade to the latest version of Backup4all.
End of maintenance for Backup4all version 5.x and end of development 6.x (October 3rd, 2017)
Starting with October 3, 2017, Backup4all version 5.x is no longer maintained. This means that we stopped fixing bugs for version 5.x, however we still offer support. If you are still using version 5.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates.
Furthermore, development stopped for Backup4all 6.x. This means that we stop adding new features and languages in version 6.x, but we still fix bugs and offer support for version it.
End of support for Backup4all version 4.x (October 3rd, 2017)
Starting with October 3, 2017 Backup4all version 4.x is no longer supported. If you are still using version 4.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates and email support.
Furthermore, Backup4all 4.x was not tested with Windows 10 and might not be compatible. If you plan to use Windows 10 you must upgrade to the latest version of Backup4all.
End of maintenance for Backup4all version 4.x and end of development for version 5.x (February 25th, 2016)
Starting with February 25, 2016, Backup4all version 4.x is no longer maintained. This means that we stopped fixing bugs for version 4.x, however we still offer support. If you are still using version 4.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates.
Furthermore, development stopped for Backup4all 5.x. This means that we stop adding new features and languages in version 5.x, but we still fix bugs and offer support for version it.
End of support for Backup4all version 3.x (February 25th, 2016)
Starting with February 25, 2016, Backup4all version 3.x. is no longer supported. If you are still using version 3.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates and email support.
Furthermore, Backup4all 3.x was not tested with the latest Windows version so it might not be compatible. If you plan to use the latest Windows version, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Backup4all.
End of maintenance for Backup4all version 3.x and end of development for version 4.x (December 9th, 2013)
Starting with December 9, 2013, Backup4all version 3.x is no longer maintained. This means that we stopped fixing bugs for version 3.x, however we still offer support. If you are still using version 3.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates.
Furthermore, development stopped for Backup4all 4.x. This means that we stop adding new features and languages in version 4.x, but we still fix bugs and offer support for version it.
End of support for Backup4all version 2.x (December 9th, 2013)
Starting with December 9, 2013, Backup4all version 2.x is no longer supported. If you are still using version 2.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates and email support.
Furthermore, Backup4all 2.x was not tested with the latest Windows version so it might not be compatible. If you plan to use the latest Windows version, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Backup4all.
End of maintenance for Backup4all version 2.x and end of development for version 3.x (August 21, 2008)
Starting with August 21, 2008, Backup4all version 2.x is no longer maintained. This means that we stopped fixing bugs for version 2.x, however we still offer support. If you are still using version 2.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates.
Furthermore, development stopped for Backup4all 3.x. This means that we stop adding new features and languages in version 3.x, but we still fix bugs and offer support for version it.
End of support for Backup4all version 1.x (August 21st, 2008)
Starting with August 21, 2008, Backup4all version 1.x is no longer supported. If you are still using version 1.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates and email support.
Furthermore, Backup4all 1.x was not tested with the latest Windows version so it might not be compatible. If you plan to use the latest Windows version, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Backup4all.
End of maintenance for Backup4all version 1.x and end of development for version 2.x (February 6, 2006)
Starting with February 6, 2006, Backup4all version 1.x is no longer maintained. This means that we stopped fixing bugs for version 1.x, however we still offer support. If you are still using version 1.x we highly recommend an upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure you get the latest updates.
Furthermore, development stopped for Backup4all 2.x. This means that we stop adding new features and languages in version 2.x, but we still fix bugs and offer support for version it.
End-of-life rules for older Backup4all versions
End-of-life means that particular version is at the end of its lifecycle and prevents users from receiving updates, indicating that the product version is at the end of its useful life. We always encourage users to upgrade to the latest version and to avoid using unsupported versions.
Below are the end-of-life rules that we apply to older versions of Backup4all:
The end-of-life for a major product version of Backup4all occurs when we released 3 newer major versions. So for instance if you have Backup4all version 1.x, its end-of-life will occur when Backup4all 4.x is released.
Below is a detailed example for the lifecycle of Backup4all version 1.x:
- Stage 1 – Under Development. Version 1.x of Backup4all is under development up until we release version 2.0 of Backup4all. This means that we add new features, languages, fix bugs and offer support for version 1.x while it is under development.
- Stage 2 – Under Maintenance. Version 1.x of Backup4all will be under maintenance when we release Backup4all version 2.0. This means that we stop adding new features and languages, but we still fix bug and offer support for version 1.x.
- Stage 3 – Under Support. Version 1.x will be under support when we release Backup4all version 3.0. This means that we stop fixing bugs (i.e. no updates), but we still offer support if you have any issues using it.
- Stage 4 – Unsupported. Backup4all version 1.x becomes unsupported when we release Backup4all version 4.0 (or we are very close to release it). This is basically the end-of-life for that particular version, as we won’t be offering support for it either.
Clients that own a license for an unsupported version can still download, install, activate and use it on the compatible operating systems. However, we won’t offer any help in configuring or recovering old backups, nor we can offer support if there’s an issue with the application. We also announce when we end the support for a major version on our blog.