Backup4all Version 9.x
Backup4all 9.9 available, with new plugins and updates (December 15th, 2023)
Backup4all v9.9 is now available. This update adds 2 new backup plugins plus several improvements and fixes for mirror backups, Google Drive and UI languages. You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.

What’s new in Backup4all 9.9
- Added: New backup plugin for AnyDesk
- Added: New backup plugin for RustDesk
- Updated: Danish language
- Updated: German language improvements
- Fixed: Root folders not found on mirror backup to be removed
- Fixed: Google Shared Drive was not visible in some situations
- Fixed: FTP configuration section was not visible in certain cases
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
However, this version is not free for users of previous versions of Backup4all (1.x – 8.x). If you own a previous version and want to test Backup4all 9.9, you can install a 30 day free trial here: Download Backup4all 9.9.
Notice to previous versions users (Backup4all 8.x or older): Backup4all 9.9 will be installed separately and allows you to import the backup jobs from the previous version (once imported, they cannot be used in the previous version). To upgrade visit this page: Upgrade Backup4all
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Backup4all 9.8 released, with new backup plugins (August 3rd, 2022)
Backup4all v9.8 is now available. This update adds 2 new backup plugins and multiple improvements for removable media and cloud backups. You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.

What’s new in Backup4all 9.8
- Added: Backup plugin for Bitrix24, a collaboration software with a full suite of tools for easy management. The plugin will allow easier backup of its settings.
- Added: Backup plugin for TallyPrime, a complete business management software for small and medium businesses. The plugin will allow easier backup of its settings.
- Added: Extra debug info log for OneDrive. This will allow better debugging of errors when backing up to Microsoft OneDrive.
- Fixed: Text spacing issues when 180% text size was used. For those using extra large font sizes on Windows, there were some interface corrections to fix minor issues.
- Fixed: “Cannot delete folder” warning for some backup jobs with plugins. In some situations, mirror backup jobs using backup plugins returned a particular warning message when trying to delete empty folders.
- Fixed: Remove from backup catalog deleted files on Blu-ray using mirror
- Fixed: Skip files having paths longer than 127 chars on CD/DVD/Blu-ray
- Fixed: Custom date filter was not working correctly in some rare situations
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
Backup4all 9.7: new permanent activation option and cloud improvements (May 31st, 2022)
Backup4all v9.7 is now available. This is an important update, as it adds a new permanent activation option and includes multiple cloud destination improvements. We highly recommend downloading the update here: Download Backup4all.

What is the new permanent activation option?
By default Backup4all requires periodic re-activation. If your computer is connected to the internet, the reactivation is done without any user input so you do not have to do anything.
However, if your computer does not have Internet access, user input is required for re-activating Backup4all manually. Until version 9.6 these were the only 2 options available.
Starting with version 9.7, it is now possible to choose a permanent re-activation option. If you choose this option and activate the application using it, no periodic re-activation will be necessary. However, your license will have some limitations:
- licenses that use permanent re-activations cannot be reset
- you won’t be able to request a refund for a license with permanent re-activations
- you won’t be able to request an activation reset request for licenses with permanent re-activations (i.e. in case you move to a new computer)
- no upgrades will be available for licenses with permanent activations.
What’s new in Backup4all 9.7
- Added: New regions for Wasabi backup destination
- Added: Option to permanently activate a product key.
- Added: Backup Plugin for REVE Antivirus
- Updated: Polish translation for the interface
- Updated: Multithreading performance for Amazon S3 and Azure online destinations
- Fixed: File is not a valid boolean value error
- Fixed: Application stuck during “updating catalog” phase
- Fixed: Error trying to write more data than space on optical discs
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
Backup4all 9.6 released with new backup plugin and cloud improvements (April 5th, 2022)
Backup4all v9.6 is now available. This is an important update, as it adds a new backup plugin, an improved Turkish translation and multiple improvements for cloud backups. You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.

What’s new in Backup4all 9.6
- Added: Backup plugin for Bitdefender Total Security
- Updated: Turkish language
- Fixed: Dropbox re-authentication was required for scheduled backups
- Fixed: List index out of bounds error for some Google Drive backups
- Fixed: Could not backup specific characters to OneDrive
- Fixed: Restore files when using Box as a destination
- Fixed: Error when media burner was disconnected
- Fixed: Backup to CD/DVD did not perform retries
- Fixed: Jobs were not renamed if destination was in the cloud
- Fixed: Could not upload catalog to Google Drive in some cases
- Fixed: Azure shared access signature did not work correctly
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
Backup4all 9.5 released, with multiple parallel thread processing (February 8th, 2022)
Backup4all v9.5 is now available. This is an important update, as it adds support for using multiple parallel threads. You can either set the number of threads manually or leave it on automatic. This improves the speed of backups and other actions for online backups thus we highly recommend the upgrade. You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.

What’s new in Backup4all 9.5
- Added: Option to increase online backup speed by using multiple parallel threads
- Added: Automatic resource allocation to improve online backup speed
- Fixed: Duplicates were not allowed
- Fixed: Listing files when using Google Drive as a destination
- Fixed: Restore from Google Drive Error: Premature end of file reached
- Fixed: Backup over 1000 files from OneDrive
- Fixed: Each Box source expand requires authentication
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
Backup4all 9.4 released, with new backup plugins (November 19th, 2021)
Backup4all v9.4 is now available. This version adds new backup plugins, includes updates for backup sources and several other fixes. You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.

What’s new in Backup4all 9.4
- Added: Backup plugin for Epic Browser
- Added: Backup plugin for ACDSee
- Fixed: Each source expand required authentication for some Box backups
- Fixed: Mirror with zip on Google Drive created duplicate files in certain situations
- Fixed: FTP sources were not expanded every time
- Fixed: Restore mirror with zip showed an incorrect file date
- Fixed: Close VSS helper app when no jobs are running
- Fixed: Different file size for some mirror backups
- Fixed: Data error warning
- Fixed: Some occasional volume shadow copy issues
- Fixed: USN journal
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
Backup4all 9.3 is fully compatible with Windows 11 (October 11st, 2021)
Backup4all v9.3 is now available. This version was tested and is fully compatible with Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 11. It also includes several other important updates thus we highly recommend the upgrade. Aside full Windows 11 compatibility, the new version has better memory usage when backing up lots of files, faster backup speed for types that use compression and faster testing. You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.
What’s new in Backup4all 9.3
- Added: Full compatibility with Windows 11. Backup4all 9.3 was tested and improved to ensure full compatibility with Windows 11. This means that if you’ve upgraded to Microsoft’s latest operating system, you can safely install Backup4all and protect your data.

- Added: Improved memory usage when backing up more than 1.5 million files
- Updated: Improved backup speed for backup types that use compression
- Updated: Improved test speed (faster CRC calculations)
- Fixed: Cannot delete folder warnings for mirror backups using encryption and obfuscation
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
Backup4all 9.2, with improved backup speed and new import option (September 8th, 2021)
Backup4all v9.2 is now available. This version comes with important features and updates thus we highly recommend the upgrade. It includes an automated file copy method switch to optimize backup speed for large files, a new backup job import option, language updates, several specific fixes and more. You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.
What’s new in Backup4all 9.2
- Added: Backup speed improvements. We have optimized the backup speed for backups that contain files larger than 1Gb by switching to a new file copy method. For files less than 1Gb, the regular copy method is used so those backups work as before.
- Added: Import backup job for all users. The new version includes a command line option that allows you to import backup jobs from previous versions of Backup4all for all Windows users.
- Updated: Slovenian language completed
- Updated: Romanian language completed
- Updated: Removed default file size limit for FTP and SFTP
- Updated: Deleted zip files are included in logs too
- Updated: Log limit number of backups for all storages
- Updated: Mirror backup speed improvements
- Updated: Log files are outputted in UTF-8
- Updated: Implemented new Dropbox API
- Fixed: Limit backup versions was not working on Google Drive
- Fixed: Limit number of backups/files not enabled when editing properties
- Fixed: Bbackup.exe processes were not closed after backups in some situations
- Fixed: Test fixes for empty folders
- Fixed: Customize filter with Users folder was not shown in Explore View
- Fixed: Drag and drop source file/folder issue in some situations
- Fixed: Unneeded scroll into view when backup list progress is updated
- Fixed: Some notification settings were missing
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
Backup4all 9.1 released, with updates for plugins and new Wasabi servers (July 7th, 2021)
Backup4all v9.1 is now available. This version comes with important features and updates thus we highly recommend the upgrade. It includes new servers for the Wasabi cloud destination, updates for plugins, improved backup job imports, language updates and more. You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.
What’s new in Backup4all 9.1

Plugin warning notices. We have added an option to display additional information for some backup plugins. Usually these are some warning/limitation notes based on the particularity of that plugin. For instance, Microsoft does not recommend backing up OST files, however the Microsoft Outlook plugin we created does back them up. The difference is that restoring the OST files has some special requirements, which are now shown as a warning.

Wasabi cloud destination. Wasabi is an enterprise class, tier-free, instantly available cloud storage provider and allows you to store an infinite amount of data affordably. Version 9.1 allows you to select which Wasabi server you want to back-up to, as there are 5 different locations available: Wasabi US East 1 (North Virginia), Wasabi US East 2 (North Virginia), Wasabi US West 1 (Oregon), Wasabi US Central 1 (Texas) and Wasabi EU Central 1 (Amsterdam).

Polycloud backup destination. Polycloud offers reliable offsite backup for your data with no hidden fees when you need to access it. We’ve added Polycloud as a cloud backup destination in an earlier build, but the integration is now fully finalized in version 9.1 so you can use it as a cloud destination for your backups.
Full list of changes in Backup4all 9.1:
- Added: Warning notices with extra details for backup plugins
- Added: More Wasabi cloud backup destination servers
- Updated: Improved job import from previous versions
- Updated: Korean translation
- Updated: Polycloud backup destination
- Fixed: Selecting a customized filter in rare situations returned an error
- Fixed: Folder filters when using non windows sources
- Fixed: Test and restore not working for imported v8 jobs using IE favorites plugin
- Fixed: Invalid strings in some languages
- Fixed: Mirror VSS problems (backup was frozen in some rare situations)
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of Backup4all 9.x.
Backup4all 9.0 released with sources from cloud & remote locations (April 29th, 2021)
Backup4all v9 is now available. This is a new major version with important features and updates thus we highly recommend the upgrade. It includes the option to add backup sources from cloud locations (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Azure, BOX, Hidrive, Hubic and Amazon S3 Compatible destinations), FTP/SFTP, as well as the possibility to have different types of sources in the same backup (for example plugin data, sources from the cloud, from local drives) plus other new features and updates.
You can download the new version here: Download Backup4all.
Here are some of the new features that were added in this new version:
Add backup sources from cloud destinations. Previous versions of Backup4all include the option to save your backup in the cloud with support for over 49 popular cloud destinations. Until now you could only use cloud storage as a backup destination. Starting with version 9 you can use files and folders from cloud location as backup sources. As an example, you’ll be able to back-up files from Dropbox on a different cloud storage service (i.e. Google Drive). You can also add sources from FTP/SFTP servers. This is a great option especially for backup redundancy.

Predefined network connection sources. Backup4all 9 adds support for creating predefined network connections. You can define these as you would define other online connections, and then use them when adding backup sources. This is a great option for backing up multiple computers in the same network that have shared network paths.

Different source types in one backup job. Backup4all now has support for adding different types of backup sources in the same backup job. For instance you’ll be able to add in the same backup job sources from your local HDD, but also from cloud locations or sources from predefined plugins. Older versions of Backup4all had support for adding only one type of source in a backup job, but this changes starting with Backup4all 9.

Full list of changes in Backup4all 9:
- Added: Backup files from Google Cloud Storage
- Added: Backup files from Microsoft OneDrive
- Added: Backup files from Dropbox
- Added: Backup files from Google Drive
- Added: Define predefined network connection sources
- Added: Multiple different source types in one backup job (plugin + cloud + local sources in one job)
- Added: Backup files from Amazon S3
- Added: Backup files from Azure
- Added: Option to use HTTP in case HTTPS fails when checking for updates
- Added: Backup files from BOX
- Added: Backup files from Hidrive
- Added: Backup files from Hubic
- Added: Backup sources from Amazon S3 Compatible (37 destinations)
- Added: Old catalogs are renamed and kept when importing jobs from previous versions
- Updated: Track time needed for upload/download when using cloud as source/destination