Backup4all 3.4 was released

Backup4all 3.4 was released. This is a major version release and contains a lot of new features and improvements. It includes an improved FTP and email notification engine.

It is a free upgrade for existing users. You can download it here:

What’s new in Backup4all 3.4:

  • Improved FTP engine (more stable)
  • Improved email engine
  • Customizable timeout for FTP connections
  • Upload/download transfer limit for FTP backups
  • Password protect log file in notification emails
  • Mirror back up to FTP supports resuming
  • <EXCLUDED SOURCES> tag for email templates
  • Back up Backup4all configurations (added as predefined backup)
  • Improved logging
  • Export statistics to CSV
  • Bug fixes: statistics counted sizes of excluded files too, access violation at shutdown, access violation when deleting a backup job, backup jobs were executed at shutdown even if the scheduler was disabled, fixes for predefined backups, backup to LAN and mapped drive (with user and password) fixes

This update is free for all registered users of Backup4all 3.x, for previous version owners (i.e. 2.x) you have the option to upgrade by visiting this URL:

As always we welcome any feedback regarding this release, so feel free to add your comment here or add a post on our Forums if you’re already a member.