Backup4all 3.11 was released
You can download it here:
What’s new in Backup4all 3.11:
- Backup4all is now compatible with Windows Server 2008
- Fully compatible with latest Windows Vista SP1
- “Clean backup” option now available via command line too
- Fixed compatibility issue when DEP was activated in Windows Vista
- More than 80 backup plugins now available – latest added plugins: CounterSpy, Bioshock, Crysis, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Unreal Tournament and The Witcher
- Other bug fixes for Backup4all and Backup4all for U3
This update is free for all registered users of Backup4all 3.x, for previous version owners (i.e. 2.x) you have the option to upgrade by visiting
As always we welcome any feedback regarding this release, so feel free to add your comment here or add a post on our Forums if you’re already a member.