Backup4all 4.6 released, introducing a Vista/7 sidebar backup gadget

Backup4all 4.6 is available and it contains several new features, updates and fixes. The most notable new feature is the addition of a sidebar gadget for the operating systems that support this: Windows Vista and Windows 7. This gadget allows you quick access to your backup jobs and the ability to run (pause, resume, stop, cancel supported too) or edit their properties directly from the gadget. You can download it here:

What’s new in Backup4all 4.6:

  • New: Added a Backup4all gadget for Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • New: The CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning engine was updated
  • New: An exclamation sound is played when the CD/DVD/Blu-ray needs to be changed
  • New: New backup tags were added for hour, minute and second
  • New: When forcing a shutdown during the backup, you will be notified that “Shutting down will corrupt current backup”
  • Fix: Excluding a file from sources lead to removing the entire folder
  • Fix: If the upload of a file failed, the retry caused the progress to exceed 100%
  • Fix: Clean backup was executed on external drives even if those were disconnected
  • Fix: Filters could not be changed from Include to Exclude
  • Fix: The application did not start when computer was idle
  • Fix: When backing up to a CD/DVD/Blu-ray, the fist execution date was not correctly imported after the second session
  • Fix: If “Test after backup” option was not used, the application was still asking for the disk
  • Fix: Importing backup jobs in Professional or Standard from Lite was not working
  • Fix: “After backup” action was not executed if running from command line
  • Fix: The zip name in log error messages was empty in certain situations
  • Fix: The log was not open with the selected Log Viewer in all cases
  • Fix: In the backup list, the last selected group was not saved after a restart
  • Fix: The dot character was not allowed in a tag name
  • Fix: The default backup type couldn’t be changed in scheduler

This update is free for all registered users of Backup4all 4.x (i.e 4.0 – 4.5), for previous version owners (i.e. 3.x, 2.x) you have the option to upgrade by visiting

As always we welcome any feedback regarding this release, so feel free to add your comment here or add a post on our Forums if you’re already a member.